2D Barcode Software

QR Code


TEC-IT supports 100+ Barcode Symbologies!
QR Code and DataMatrix Generator
TEC-IT barcode software generates QR Code and DataMatrix barcode symbols in perfect quality. All barcode-features like symbol size and built-in error correction are supported. Additional software or special hardware is not required.
2D Barcode Generator - FREE Demo Versions
Choose between the following bar code generator and bar code creation products:
TBarCode | Barcode Generator SDK (Microsoft® Windows) Universal barcode software components for Microsoft® Windows. Includes a Barcode ActiveX® Control (Barcode OCX), a Barcode DLL and a .NET Barcode Class. |
Barcode Studio | Barcode Maker Software (Windows, Mac OS X®, Linux®) Ready-to-use barcode design application. Create linear, 2D and GS1 bar code images or vector graphics visually. |
TBarCode/X | Barcode Generator SDK and Barcode Spool Filter (Mac OS X®, Linux®, UNIX®) Barcode generator software for printer queues and barcode library for software developers. |
Barcode and Label Printing Software
TBarCode/SAPwin | Barcode DLL for SAP® R/3®, SAP ECC Printer-independent barcode extension for SAP systems (works with SAPlpd, SAPSprint, SAPWIN). |
TFORMer | Label Software, Report Generator Software
Visual label design program (TFORMer Designer) and a report generator/label printing SDK for automation purposes (TFORMer SDK). |
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