Barcode Software, QR/2D
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License Terms (PDF)
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Legal Terms
This license permits you to use the Software on exactly one computer system. A Single License must not be used in server applications like Web-Servers or Citrix Servers.
The license key is coordinated with the System-ID of the target system. It is not possible to use the Software on another computer system in an unrestricted way. If the computer is changed or exchanged, then you will receive a free replacement key.
License keys are bound to the main version of the product. If not stated as subscription license, all licenses are perpetual with a one-time license fee.
This license permits the use of the Software on 10 computers and/or with 10 concurrent users within one site (one postal address, e.g. factory, branch...) of an enterprise.
Passing the Software license key to third parties or to other locations of the same enterprise is not permitted (also not as part of your own applications). Companies owning multiple locations (e.g. multinational companies) need either an Enterprise license or additional Single, Workgroup, Office or Site licenses.
License keys are bound to the main version of the product. If not stated as a subscription license, all licenses are perpetual with a one-time license fee.
This license permits the use of the Software on 100 computers and with 100 concurrent users within one site (with one postal address, e. g. factory, branch...) of an enterprise.
This license permits the use of the Software on several computers within one site (however limited to a maximum of 250 concurrent installations or 250 concurrent users per license).
Passing the Software license key to third parties or to other locations of the same enterprise is not permitted (also not as part of your own applications). Companies owning multiple locations (e.g. multinational companies) need either multiple Site-Licenses or a Developer-License.
The owner of a Developer-License can redistribute the Software as part of his application to third parties like customers and/or other sites of a company. A Developer License is bound to a single developer. Each developer who is actively working with the Software product needs a developer license. A Developer- License is limited to 10000 redistributions or 10000 possible end users - whichever is higher. Individual offers and licence models may also be subject to modified restrictions.
You are allowed to provide the product within your application to a third party as well as to other sites of your own company. „Wrapping“ is not permitted!
If you would like to use the Software on a (web) server you need a web (or server) license (if applicable). Such a license permits the use of the Software on one server for internet-, intranet and other server based applications. The number of total users (not concurrent users!) per license is limited to 10000.
Each production server instance needs one license, this is also true on virtual machines. For users of TBarCode: the ConvertToStream() functions are licensed only with a web or server license.
An Enterprise License (also called World License) permits the use of the Software on several (or all) sites of a company. There are no restrictions concerning the number of installations and users. The term enterprise comprises each legal unity (including subsidiaries) which owns more than 50 percent of the shares.
This is relevant for bar code software only: The license keys are differentiated according to the supported set of bar code symbologies.
This license generates and prints all one-dimensional bar code symbologies (like Code 39, Code 128, UPC, 2/5...) and all linear (non stacked) versions of the EAN/UCC RSS symbology.
This license generates and prints all barcodes. In addition to linear barcodes it includes all 2D barcodes and multi-row bar code symbologies (like PDF417, MaxiCode, DataMatrix, QR-Code, GS1 DataBar and EAN/UCC RSS Composite).
Bulk licenses are distributed through TEC-IT and do not apply to Google Play and App Store purchases.
Licenses are bound to devices via the so-called Device ID. The Device ID may be based either upon Android ID, serial number or IMEI. The Device ID can be found in the settings dialog of the app. Except subscriptions, bulk licenses are valid for the lifetime of the device.
Android: The app-version which is suitable for bulk licensing needs to be downloaded and installed from TEC-IT.COM. The Device ID depends on the device and user and may change with a factory reset (if based upon Android ID). The app can be licensed without a Google account.
iOS: The app-version which is suitable for bulk licensing can be downloaded from the App Store. The Device ID depends on the device and may change with a factory reset.
The following methods for licensing are available:
Bulk licenses (volume licenses) for the Scan-IT to Office app are available exclusively as a subscription (period on agreement, usually one year).
The subscription fee covers exclusively the usage rights for the Scan-IT to Office app on your mobile devices for the agreed subscription time-frame. Costs for mobile network providers or other expenses are not included. The accompanying Scan-IT to Office Add-Ins (for Word, Excel, Google Sheets, Chrome) are free.
The subscription is renewed automatically for another period until cancelled at least one month prior to expiration in writing. In the case of cancellation by the customer no refunds of the subscription fee will be granted for unused months.
You can use the Online Label Generator ( on an annual subscription basis with the following packages*:
Packages valid from July 1st, 2022.
In the case of cancellation by TEC-IT a notice period of 3 month will be maintained.
If not clearly stated as subscription, TEC-IT does not charge royalty fees, licenses are one-time costs.
There are other licenses available, which vary according to the Software product. All available licenses are listed in the price list and in the license terms.
A 2D license supports all 1D bar codes at no additional cost.
If not specified as subscription, all licenses are perpetual, i.e. with a one-time license fee.