Scan-IT to Office Add-In/Tools User Manual


Scan-IT to Office is a platform independent solution that works with PCs and Macs. To use the Scan-IT to Office Add-In/Tools, you also need to install the Scan-IT to Office App on your mobile device.


The generic Smart Keyboard Wedge enables data acquisition with arbitrary applications on the following target systems:

The Smart Database Connector enables data acquisition into databases accessible via ODBC (e.g. Microsoft Access, SQL Server, SQL Express, Oracle, etc.) on the following target system:

Optimized Scan-IT to Office Add-Ins are available for the following target applications:

In addition, TEC-IT offers developers the possibility to build their own target application (or add-in), which receives the data from the Scan-IT to Office App. A developer manual is available on request.

Download & Installation

Users can insert the Scan-IT to Office Add-In directly into their Word or Excel document or download it from Microsoft AppSource. To setup Scan-IT to Office, please perform the following steps:

Insert Add-In Directly in the Office Document

  1. Open your Word or Excel document.
  2. Go to Insert and click on the button Store.
  3. Enter "Scan-IT to Office" in the search field to open the store entry.
  4. Click on the button Add to insert the Add-In into your document.
Scan-IT to Office Add-In Setup

Download from Microsoft AppSource

  1. Open Microsoft AppSource.
  2. Search for "Scan-IT to Office" and download the Add-In.
  3. Open your Word or Excel document.
  4. Click on Insert and open My Add-Ins.
  5. Insert the Scan-IT to Office Add-In into your document.

Scan-IT to Office is also available as add-on for Google Sheets on the G Suite Marketplace. To setup Scan-IT to Office, please perform the following steps:

  1. Open the G Suite Marketplace.
  2. Search for "Scan-IT to Office" and install the add-on.
  3. Open your Google Sheets document.
  4. Got to Add-Ons - Scan-IT to Office and click Show.
  5. The Scan-IT to Office Add-On appears in your document.

The add-on can also be searched / inserted via the Google Sheets menu Add-ons - Get add-ons.

Scan-IT to Office - Google Sheets Ad-On
You can connect to Google Sheets also via the Google Sheets (Drive) connector directly from the App

Use the Scan-IT to Office Google Chrome extension to transfer captured data into Chrome browser windows. This extension is available in the Chrome Webstore. The setup works as follows:

  1. Open the Chrome Webstore.
  2. Search for "Scan-IT to Office" and install the extension.
  3. Open your active Google Chrome browser window.
  4. The Scan-IT to Office extension icon appears top right in your browser window.
  5. To run Scan-IT to Office, just click the Start button.
Scan-IT to Office - Google Chrome Extension

If your application needs more flexibility, you can use the Smart Keyboard Wedge extension, which adds the Scan-IT to Office features to any desktop application on Windows and macOS. To setup the Smart Keyboard Wedge, please perform the following steps:

  1. Download the Smart Keyboard Wedge from this website.
  2. Start the setup and follow the steps in the wizard.
  3. If installed successfully, the Smart Keyboard Wedge icon appears in your toolbar (Windows / macOS)
  4. To start the Extension, just double click the icon.
Scan-IT to Office Smart Keyboard Wedge

The Smart Database Connector inserts remotely collected data into any database available via an ODBC data source (e.g. Microsoft Access, SQL Server, SQL Express, Oracle, etc.). This tool runs as Microsoft Windows system service in the background. To setup the Smart Database Connector, please perform the following steps:

  1. Download the Smart Database Connector from this website.
  2. Start the setup application and follow the instructions.
  3. The Smart Database Connector can be configured by opening the web-page http://localhost:33333 on your local system.
  4. Install the Scan-IT to Office App on your phone and pair it with the Smart Database Connector by scanning the displayed QR-Code.
  5. Data remotely captured with the Scan-IT to Office App is now inserted into the demo database configured by the setup procedure. This demo database can be opened directly with Microsoft Access and is located in %ProgramData%\TEC-IT\Scan-IT to Office Tools\SDBC_Sample.mdb.
  6. Every ODBC data source can be used with the Smart Database Connector. See below for information on how to create an ODBC data source for your database.
Scan-IT to Office Database Connector

Create an ODBC Data Source

Any ODBC data source configured on your system can be used by the Smart Database Connector. Follow the outlined steps to create your own data source:

  1. Open the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) control panel. Alternatively, launch the ODBC Data Source administration \Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe directly from the command line.
  2. Activate the tab System DSN and click Add.
  3. Select the required driver for your database (e.g. Microsoft Access Driver (*.MDB), Microsoft ODBC for ORACLE, Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls), SQL Server Native Client, ...)
  4. Follow the steps of the setup dialogs. The Data Source Name is required later on to add a new database target (see below).
  5. Please take care to use working credentials for your database (the Smart Database Connector is running as system service using a Microsoft Windows account which is usually not authorized to access a database).
  6. We recommend testing the database connectivity if such an option is available.

Add Target

After the ODBC data source has been configured, add this data source to Smart Database Connector:

  1. Open the user interface http://localhost:33333 with your browser.
  2. To scan into your own database, edit the existing demo database target or create a new one by clicking the Add Target button.
  3. The target can be renamed by clicking its name.
  4. For the Connection String enter the name of the data source (as created above) as follows: DSN=myDsn. See below for connection string options.
  5. Specify the SQL statement you want to execute when receiving data from the app. To access form data values received by the app, use the field name as used in the form enclosed by % signs e.g. %Barcode%, %List%, etc. If you are using the default barcode scanner with the app, use the field name %Barcode%. Example: INSERT INTO SDBC_Sample (BarcodeData) VALUES (%Barcode%).
  6. The Comments field is used to store notes or descriptions.

Connection String Options

As part of the connection string, user credentials or other options can be specified:

  • Specify Database Credentials with the DSN
    Add Uid and Pwd parameters to the connection string:
  • Specify Connection String without using a DSN
    If you do not want to create an extra DSN configuration you can supply all the required settings directly in the connection string (example for SQL Server):
    Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
  • For more examples see

User Interface

Scan-IT to Office - Add-in Interface

The main menu of the Scan-IT to Office Add-In/Tools contains the following items:

  • Phones
    Configured Phones lists all paired devices and its connection state. Devices can be removed (unpaired) or paused with the buttons on the right. Click the button Add Phone to pair additional devices - see Add Phone (Pairing). The Smart Database Connector additionally indicates Configured Targets.
  • Log
    Logs communication with the server and possible errors.
  • Options
    Here you will find Add-In options like Add-In Configuration (Add-In name, ID), Data Selection (device ID/name, timestamps...) and Advanced Settings.
  • Info Button
    Provides further information about the Scan-It to Office Add-In/Tools: a short Introduction, a Video Tutorial, a link to the Scan-IT to Office FAQs, Version History, etc.
  • Lock Button (Smart Database Connector)
    Locks all Options, hides the Connection Strings and the Configured Targets.

Add Phone (Pairing)

Scan-IT to Office - Pairing

Pairing connects the target application on your desktop computer with the mobile Scan-IT to Office App. This is simple and done in just a few steps:

  • Open Phones in the main menu of your Scan-IT to Office Add-In/Tool and click the button Add Phone below the list of configured phones.
  • A QR code® for initial pairing is displayed.
  • Open the Scan-IT to Office App on your smartphone, select Scan QR-Code and scan the displayed code.
  • It is also possible to enter the pairing code manually: just enter the displayed number combination into your mobile app.
  • If both instances (Scan-IT to Office App and Add-In) show an active connection (green icon / green state indicator), you are ready to start data acquisition.
  • By clicking the button Add Phone you can add as many devices as you want.

Paired devices and their connection states are listed under Configured Phones. Connected devices can be managed directly in the device list by using the icons on the right. For more details, see Scan-IT to Office FAQ.

Connection Troubleshooting

  • If the Scan-IT to Office Add-In indicates a connection error with an orange bar next to the device entry, make sure your computer has Internet access.
  • If you are still having connection problems, please contact our support team!


Scan-IT to Office - Add-In Options

Add-In Configuration

  • Add-In Name
    The name of the Add-In as it will be displayed in the App (editable).
  • Add-In ID
    The Add-In ID, which identifies the connection endpoint (read only).

Data Selection

Check the data fields you want to insert and use drag and drop to change the insertion order:
  • Data
  • Data (Raw JSON)
  • Device Id
  • Device Name
  • Acquisition Timestamp
  • Receive Timestamp

Server Configuration

The following two server settings can be changed, if needed:
  • URL
  • Port
We are working on the possibility for on-premise/private cloud installations of the Scan-IT to Office server. Please contact us for details.
Scan-IT to Office - Add-In Advanced Options


  • Log received data
    If enabled, received data is stored in the Log.
  • Insert at current selection
    If selected, captured data is inserted at the current selection, additionally the selection can be moved automatically to the next row or column after each record.
  • Insert after last non-empty row
    If selected, captured data is inserted after the last non-empty row of the desired sheet.
  • Resize cells to fit image size
    If enabled, cells are automatically resized to fit captured images.
  • Split data at character(s)
    If active, data is split into separate fields at the specified character(s). For non printable characters you can use the following escape sequences:
    • \n = Line Feed
    • \r = Carriage Return
    • \t = Tab
    • \v = Vertical Tab
    • \f = Form Feed
    • \0 = Null Byte
    • \\ = Normal Backslash


  • End-to-End Encryption
    If enabled, all connections are protected with end-to-end encryption.
    Devices can only send the data encrypted if end-to-end encryption is supported and enabled in all their connected targets.
Scan-IT to Office - Add-On Options

Add-In Configuration

  • Add-In Name
    The name of the Add-In as it will be displayed in the App (editable).
  • Add-In ID
    The ID, which identifies the connection endpoint (read only).

Data Selection

Check the fields you want to insert and use drag and drop to change the insertion order:
  • Data
  • Data (Raw JSON)
  • Device Id
  • Device Name
  • Acquisition Timestamp
  • Receive Timestamp

Server Configuration

The following two server settings can be changed, if needed:
  • URL
  • Port
We are working on the possibility for on-premise/private cloud installations of the Scan-IT to Office server. Please contact us for details.
Scan-IT to Office - Add-On Options


  • Log received data
    If enabled, received data is stored in the Log.
  • Select the next row automatically
    If checked, the selection moves automatically to the next row after inserting data.
  • Select next cell automatically (horizontal)
    If enabled, the selection moves automatically to the next cell after inserting data.
  • Split data at character(s)
    If active, data is split into separate fields at the specified character(s). For non printable characters you can use the following escape sequences:
    • \n = Line Feed
    • \r = Carriage Return
    • \t = Tab
    • \v = Vertical Tab
    • \f = Form Feed
    • \0 = Null Byte
    • \\ = Normal Backslash


  • End-to-End Encryption
    If enabled, all connections are protected with end-to-end encryption.
    Devices can only send the data encrypted if end-to-end encryption is supported and enabled in all their connected targets.
Scan-IT to Office - Add-On Options

Add-In Configuration

Here you can adjust the Add-In name and turn on Logging. The Add-In ID is read only.

Insert Behavior

The following insert settings can be enabled/disabled:
  • Replace data in input element
  • Invoke submit action after insert
  • Select next input element after insert
  • Select first input element after insert
  • Select first input element if none is selected yet
  • Insert new line automatically

Form Insert Behavior

The following two form insert settings can be selected :
  • Insert all form fields at once separated by ", "
  • Select next input element after each form field


  • End-to-End Encryption
    If enabled, all connections are protected with end-to-end encryption.
    Devices can only send the data encrypted if end-to-end encryption is supported and enabled in all their connected targets.

Tool Configuration

Here you can adjust the Tool name, which is displayed in the App. The Tool ID is read only.

Server Configuration

Server URL and server port number can be changed, if needed.

We are working on the possibility for on-premise/private cloud installations of the Scan-IT to Office server. Please contact us for details.
Scan-IT to Office - Smart Keyboard Wegde Options


  • Log received data
    If enabled, received data is stored in the Log.
  • Prepend key(s) before data:
    If enabled, the specified keys are automatically inserted before each record.
    Click on the 🛈 icon next to the setting for more information about key codes.
  • Append key(s) after data:
    If enabled, the specified keys are automatically inserted after each record.
    Click on the 🛈 icon next to the setting for more information about key codes.
  • Insert key(s) between fields:
    If enabled, the specified keys are automatically inserted between each field.
    Click on the 🛈 icon next to the setting for more information about key codes.
  • Split data at character(s)
    If enabled, data is split into separate fields at the specified character(s). Non printable characters can be specified with the following escape sequences.
    Click on the 🛈 icon next to the setting for more information about available escape sequences.


  • End-to-End Encryption
    If enabled, all connections are protected with end-to-end encryption.
    Devices can only send the data encrypted if end-to-end encryption is supported and enabled in all their connected targets.

Tool Configuration

Here you can adjust the Tool name, which is displayed in the App. The Tool ID is read only.

Server Configuration

The server URL can be changed, if needed.

We are working on the possibility for on-premise/private cloud installations of the Scan-IT to Office server. Please contact us for details.


Log received data
  • By default, received data is stored in the Log.
  • Disable this function, if you do not want to store the received data.


  • End-to-End Encryption
    If enabled, connections are protected with end-to-end encryption.
    Devices can only send the data encrypted if end-to-end encryption is supported and enabled in all their connected targets.

Scan-IT to Office Database Connector Options

Known Limitations

Due to technical reasons, not all features are available in all target applications, the following limitations may occur:

Limitations when using Microsoft Excel 2013:

  • Collected data cannot be split into multiple columns, instead it is inserted into a single cell, separated by spaces (works with Microsoft Office 2016 or later).
  • The selected cell does not change after inserting data. All data is inserted into the same cell (works with Microsoft Office 2016 or later, if all required updates are installed).

Inserting images is only possible with the following applications:

  • Microsoft Word/Excel for Windows (2016 or later)
  • Microsoft Word/Excel for Mac (Version 15.20 or later)
  • Microsoft Word Online
  • Google Sheets

The option Resize cells to fit image size is only supported in the following applications:

  • Microsoft Excel for Windows (Version 1601 or later)
  • Microsoft Excel for Mac (Version 15.22 or later)
For further information, check out the Scan-IT to Office FAQ.

Multiple Users / Targets

Multiple Users
Multiple mobile devices can be used to scan data into one single target document (Microsoft Word / Excel, Google Sheets or Google Chrome) simultaneously. To do this, pair each Scan-IT to Office App with a single Scan-IT to Office Add-In/Tool.
Multiple Targets
A single mobile device may send the scanned data to multiple target documents at the same time. To do this, pair the Scan-IT to Office App with multiple Add-Ins or Tools.
For further information please check out the Scan-IT to Office FAQ.

Private Cloud / On-Premise Installation

Scan-IT to Office may also be distributed by using a network share (a Microsoft account is not required for installation or operation in this scenario, details on request).

We are working on the possibility for on-premise/private cloud installations of the Scan-IT to Office server. Please contact us for details!

Your Feedback

TEC-IT appreciates your feedback and suggestions. Just let us know what you think and contact us.

Have fun exploring our latest barcode solution!