TFORMer Server - Application

TFORMer Server function principle and data flow.

"virtual" Printer

Analysis of data stream

Extracting of raw data



A client (any source application on any computer) prints data into a connector supplied by TFORMer Server (e.g. a "virtual" printer, a file-based interface or TCP/IP, FTP). TFORMer Server monitors the input from the connectors – each individual printing request is rerouted to the selected target printer after the form layout was applied to the data. Target printers and forms as well as printing options can be specified on a per printing job base. Only raw data is printed by the application – reducing network traffic.


Separate design-workstations

Specialized software for form-design



All form definitions are stored on the server (a Microsoft® NT-Server or NT-Workstation installation). Form definitions can be created and processed graphically with a design station. Utilization of several design stations at the same time is possible.


Printing only raw data (unformatted)


Standard Mode

A client (an arbitrary application on an arbitrary system in the network) feeds raw data into a connector (e.g. a "virtual" printer supplied by TFORMer Server).

The data stream printed by the client uses a special syntax which enables TFORMer Server to extract raw data.

This method assumes that it is possible to adjust the output of the client system according to the script format of TFORMer Server (e.g. on SAP R/3 with a small SAPscript program).


Extracting raw data from existing data streams


Data Stream Analysis

There is also a possibility for extracting raw data from already existing data streams (e.g. SCS on AS/400) without modification of the source application. The data analysis capability enables the use of arbitrary printer data streams. Data to be used in forms is extracted at runtime.

TFORMer Server Product Description (PDF) 

Download PDF Info Sheet

For further information download the TFORMer Server product description .