TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_Append ( t_BarCode pBarCode,
LONG  nSum,
LONG  nIndex,
BYTE  bParity 

Activates QR-Code "Structured Append" feature.

QR-Code allows user data to be spread across several symbols. This might be done if the data is too large to fit into a single symbol or for reasons of appearance and geometry. The so called "Structured Append" mode encodes additional control information to enable the reading device to reconstruct the data of all symbols in the correct order. Default: Structured Append is disabled.
This function enables Structured Append and sets the total number of symbols and the index of the actual QR-Code symbol within the symbol chain. Depending on this index, the data will be reconstructed by the scanner during the reading process. The scanner returns the data of all symbols in the correct order at once.
All symbols within a symbol chain must be identified by a Parity. This parity is computed with BCCalcStructApp_Parity().

See also:
BCGet_QR_AppendSum(), BCGet_QR_AppendIndex(), BCGet_QR_AppendParity()
[in]pBarCodePointer to barcode structure.
[in]nSumTotal number of symbols [2..16] (reset to default/disable = -1).
[in]nIndexIndex of current symbol [1..16].
[in]bParityParity byte (must be the same in all symbols).
Return values:
ERRCODEErrOk (0) in case of success. Non-zero if error occurred.