TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11
ERRCODE BCSet_DotCode_AppendActive ( t_BarCode pBarCode,
BOOL  bActivate 

Activates/Deactivates DotCode "Structured Append" mode.

To set the data for structurer

DotCode allows user data to be spread across several symbols. This might be done if the data is too large to fit into a single symbol or for reasons of appearance and geometry. The so called "Structured Append" mode encodes additional control information to enable the reading device to reconstruct the data of all symbols in the correct order. This function activates or deactivates the structured append mode.

To change the settings of structured append mode call function BCSet_DotCode_Append.
See also:
BCGet_DotCode_AppendActive(), BCSet_DotCode_Append(), BCGet_DotCode_AppendSum(), BCGet_DotCode_AppendIndex()
[in]pBarCodePointer to barcode structure.
[in]bActivateDetermines if structured append mode should be activated (with TRUE) or deactivated (with FALSE)
Return values:
ERRCODEErrOk (0) in case of success. Non-zero if error occurred.